Jakarta-Batavia heritage, the olden days in photo's and pictures

Rendezvous Batavia



Jakarta-Batavia, old postcards


Clubhouse Harmonie, Jakarta-Batavia


Bron > Gemeente Batavia: Batavia als Handels-, Industrie- en Woonstad
Source > Municipality of Batavia: Batavia as a commercial, industrial and residential centre
Library Dirk Teeuwen, Holland
Printed and edited > G. Kolff & Co, Batavia 1937 (bilingual)

Private collection Dirk Teeuwen, Holland

Once the KPM-Office (Office of the Royal Dutch Packet Navigation Company, Koninklijke Pakketvaart Maatschappij), now an office of the Indonesian Ministry of Sea Links.

Batavia from the air, 1928

Source > Vries, H. M. de: The importance of Java seen from the air

Library Dirk Teeeuwen, Holland

Printed and edited > G. Kolff & Co, Batavia 1928 (in English)